Why intermittent fasting does not work
Note that I did not write
Why intermittent fasting does not work for you
as in
You are the problem. Because intermittent fasting is flawless.
Why does intermittent fasting not work? For a simple reason. Intermittent fasting is restriction. You’re restricting your calorie intake. You’re restricting when you eat. You restrict yourself. Plain and simple. Now what happens to people who restrict themselves? They crave what they can’t have more. So people who don’t eat, all they think about, even involuntarily, is food. Till they eat again. So the desire to eat more is there. And why do people eat less in the first place or restrict when they eat? It’s always to avoid something bad:
- Sometimes it’s to avoid death.
- Sometimes it is to avoid gaining weight. The goal is losing weight.
So it’s a fight against your body. But it’s never a
I don’t eat because it is great to not eat. And in two hours I will eat again. And I do this voluntarily because it is so comfortable being hungry, just feeling the sensation of hunger.
No. Nobody thinks like that. And this is why intermittent fasting does not work. It does not work because
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